Chapter 1 ~ All of it… Friday

I promised a globetrotting friend that I would release the full first chapter of my book in a single post before he departs on his next journey. So, Friday, June 6, I plan to do just that. If you have read The First 1100 Words and Seven Deadly Sins ~ Day 6, Lust (A passage from my book), you have seen about 2/3 of the first chapter. Friday’s post will include these plus the final 1/3 of the first chapter, as well as little tweaks that have been applied since I released the first sneak peek.

I will likely do as I have done in the past and abbreviate the naughty bits. Maybe not ~ maybe I’ll go full monty. They’re not extreme or gratuitous, but they are “mature”. We will see. I guess you’ll have to visit on Friday to find out what I decided!


  1. Haha, this reminds me of Jon’s post about the no-no rule of sharing passages from a book you’re going to publish.

    On another note, I always enjoy your work.


        1. Eeek, I hope I have E.L. James’ luck. She got Fifty Shades of Blah published because of excerpts. This thing will probably have to be self published anyway. I’ve heard the horrors of securing an agent, paying an editor, and self-marketing just to get a publisher. I suppose we shall see. Whatever happens, I’m only giving the first chapter away for free. 😉


          1. Best of luck to you and your future book! I hope it all goes well 🙂 I know nothing about being an author really or publishing books lol except that it takes a long time.


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