
He’s right before their eyes
Still he remains unseen,
As though he’s an extra
In someone else’s dream.

His frantic pleas for help,
They seem to go unheard.
He begs them to listen,
But they pass without word.

He longs for only love,
Desires just affection,
One who will embrace his
Every imperfection.

Instead he walks alone
Through shadowy places,
Adrift upon this vast
Sea of nameless faces.



Photography: http://fav.me/d8w8191



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    1. ‘punch to the gut’ .. YES! I feel exactly that every time our local news station runs a feature on a child who has no one and just wants more than anything to be adopted & loved by someone.
      Thanks for the visit!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Laura! The fact that there are kids out there that would like nothing more than a place at our dinner table & in our hearts has been on our minds lately. Hopefully one day we are in a position to make that happen for someone.


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