Day: April 30, 2014

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

I was nominated for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award by Jody at Jody’s Scribbles. Honestly though it is I who should be awarding her. Her blog is uplifting, she touches on sensitive topics with grace, she is a gifted wordsmith. You must click the link and check her work out.

Here are my nominees for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award:

1. Jenny In Neverland
2. Love From Tara
3. Laura Macky
4. My Invisible Crown
5. kendraballesteros

(So many gifted women here on WordPress. I do hope I get the chance to pay forward more awards in May because my list is certainly longer than this.)

Rules for this Award:

  • Link to the blogger who nominated you and say thanks.
  • Nominate blogs that you find a joy to read.
  • Link to the nominees and tell them about the nomination.
  • Include the award logo in your blog post.
  • Answer the same ten questions I’ve answered below.

1. What is your favorite color? Purple I guess is my favorite, but I also love yellow, silver, red, blue…

2. What is your favorite animal? I have dogs and cats. I can’t pick between them, so both.

3. What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? Cherry 7-Up

4. Do you prefer Facebook or Twitter? Twitter I think. It changes with the wind.

5. What is your favorite pattern? I like geometrical patterns.

6. Do you prefer getting or giving presents? I prefer giving them for sure.

7. What is your favorite number? 27 ~ my birth date and my favorite roulette number

8. What is your favorite day of the week? Saturday, the first of 2 full days that I get to spend with my husband.

9. What is your favorite flower? Orchids, they’re bright, colorful, and fairly easy to keep alive.

10. What is your passion? Easy, Writing!

I understand that not everybody chooses to participate in awards, and that’s ok! I still think you should know that you’re read and enjoyed immensely. Love & hugs!


Shine On Award

I was nominated for the Shine On Award by Jez Farmer of The Boi Poet and jeremytheboypoet. Check out his blogs. They are brilliantly written, surprisingly educational, and incredibly brave. To say that I was flattered to receive a nomination from such a powerful blogger would be a serious understatement. Thank you again!

7 Things About Me:
1. I spend an inordinate amount of time playing video games.
2. My memory is horrible. The iPhone changed my life (when I remember to use it to set reminders).
3. I’m pretty sure my 110+ year old house is haunted.
4. I suffered a fairly serious back injury in 2012 that resulted in surgery and almost 6 months of recovery. Through all of it, I missed only 1 week of work (the pro & con of working from home).
5. I was promoted on my job last July. I was laid off rather unceremoniously a month later when they eliminated my new position during downsizing. This left me with an extra 60+ hours per week to kill. I decided to fill at least some of that time with writing.
6. I collect movies. I would rather own the DVD or BluRay than go to the theater.
7. I love Las Vegas. My husband and I were married there. We vacation there at least once per year, sometimes more.

Here are my nominees for the Shine On Award:

1. SFoxWriting’s Blog
2. Brendan Cole – Writer
3. stgreenie
4. Contortum Designs
5. From a Clogged Mind

(This would be easier if I could just nominate everybody that I follow. I do follow them all for a reason.)

Rules for this Award:

1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. State 7 things about yourself
4. Nominate other bloggers for this award and link to them.
5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award requirements.

I understand that not everybody chooses to participate in awards. I have no problem with that! Please just know that I read what you write and it leaves an impression on me. Much love!


Happy Anniversary!

April 30th is one of my favorite days of the year. On April 30th, 1999, my life changed forever in a most beautiful way (except I didn’t know it yet). On this date 15 years ago I was scheduled for a second interview at a small technology company. I was nervous. I needed that job. My first interview went well. I felt that day was my last hurdle on my way to a sure thing. I was all about my career back then. I had 2 kids’ mouths to feed. I was engaged to a man whose ambition was seriously lacking. Someone had to wear the pants.

I looked good for that interview too. My un-humble opinion of my appearance that day was further supported when I got “checked out” by the really hot guy with whom I shared an elevator. We both stepped off at the top floor. Then we turned down the same hallway; we kept walking, all the way to the end where we both entered the same office door.  Nice, he works here. I thought. I waited in the small lobby to be greeted by the operations manager. He fetched me and walked me back to a very small office. Inside the office were 3 very intimidating men. I was the fourth person crammed into that tiny room. It was close quarters. Not only that, but HE was there. My nerves almost turned to full on panic.

The cute guy did most of the talking. He grilled me with tough questions. Damn, I thought we made a little connection in that elevator. He is showing me no mercy! As his inquiry continued, I started to find him a little less cute. Eventually he let the shy guy from accounting talk. Accounting guy was impressed with my answers. I could tell. Then the little hairy man from production got his turn. He was impressed with my legs and my tattoo. I could tell. (I was sitting right next to him. It was tough not to notice that he stared at my calves the whole time he spoke.) Hot guy was not impressed. I could tell. I left the interview with my ego a bit deflated.

I was surprised to get a phone call the following Monday asking me to come in to meet the owner and to appear for personality and intelligence testing. Turns out that the cute guy WAS impressed. He was recently promoted to Technology Operations Manager. He was helping to hire a replacement to back-fill his old position. He fought for me. He felt I was the best fit. I totally read him wrong. That was unusual for me.

During the first week at work in my new job, each department took turns escorting the newbies to lunch. When it was technology’s turn, I took the opportunity to start over with hot guy. I cornered him after lunch for a little one-on-one. I learned that he was very happily married. I also found out that he was extraordinarily smart, much less serious than his interviewer persona, and a little egotistical. I found his marital status less than ideal… Why on earth would it bother me that he’s married? I wondered, I’m pretty unavailable myself.

From that point on it was strictly professional, even if I did enjoy stealing little glances at him. Ladies, he was that good-looking. I was engaged, not dead. Four months into my new job something both shattering and spectacular happened. My fiance’ left. He packed his things and several of mine and just left while I was at work. The next day, he moved himself and many of my possessions from Michigan to Texas. At the time, I was shattered. Other events unfolded that weekend to make it one of the worst ever. I missed work on Monday. On Tuesday I went directly to the break room upon arriving at work. Hot guy was there. We had our first ever personal and deep conversation. As it would turn out, his wife also moved out of their home over the weekend. We exchanged phone numbers so we could commiserate. A month later, we went on our first date. Within three months we were inseparable. By New Year’s we were living together.

Fast forward 3 years from our first meeting to April 30, 2002. I married hot guy, aka Brian, in Las Vegas. I was sick as hell. I spent the entire night before our wedding in the bathroom, if you know what I mean. My sister scraped me up off the floor when she arrived to help me get ready. She slapped makeup like paint on my face and made me presentable, for a china doll. I only bring that up because I’ve been sick this week too. Twelve years later April is still my health nemesis. Some things never change.

Brian and I have come a long way in the past 12 years. My older kids were already calling him “Dad” before the wedding, but his position as a father and their relationship with him only grew after we were married. We have a son, Brandon, who is just the best of both of us. Our marriage is the light that shines brightest in my life. I love him more today than I ever have. I will love him even more tomorrow.

Every day for the past 12 years, he has come upstairs at night and asked if I remembered to take my meds before he climbs into bed. He has told me that he loves me EVERY SINGLE DAY. We are still inseparable. He is my best friend. When I see him bring his briefcase home at lunch, I squeal with delight like we’re high schoolers skipping school (a briefcase at lunch means either a half day or he’s working the rest of the day from home). He is my staunchest supporter. He is my guardian and defender. He is my lover, my confidant, my provider, my grounding stone, and my whole heart and soul. My life is exceptional because Brian is in it. Stories will be told about our love long after we are dead and gone. It is powerful, it is real, it is unique, it is pure, it was destined to be, and it is unbreakable. I was put on this earth to be Mrs. Brian Page.